Hist 301, Section 1, Spring 2025, Announcements

1/16    For a link from Lone Star, click here. For a link to a recent "culture war" controversy, click here. For a US Army film on propaganda, click here.

1/21    For today's first projection on basics of argumentation, click here. For a projection regarding Martin Luther King's birthday, click here. For a projection on logical definitions, click here. For a projection on cogent reasoning, click here. For a projection, on deductive and inductive reasoning, click here. For a projection on hidden premises, click here. For a projection, an exercise on recognizing arguments, click here. For a projection, a New York Times article on Russia, click here. For a projection, on recognizing arguments and their components, click here. For an article about fact-checking, click here.

1/23     For the first projection, an exercise on argument structure, click here. For fallacy by appeal to authority, also known as fallacy ad vericundiumclick here. For courtroom standards of evidence, click here. For an exercise on valid and invalid appeals to authority, click here. For Smedley Butler's speech on U.S. intervention, click here. For controversies regarding the CIA, click here. For a statement by the Brazilian president, click here. For a link to the 1968 debate between Gore Vidal and Willam F. Buckley, click here. For President Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address, click here

1/28     For a video on Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, click here. For a letter to the Financial Timesclick here. For a speech by Dwight D. Eisenhower, click here. For a 1986 debate between Noam Chomsky and John Silber, click here. For a video of an rabbi speaking before the Israeli Knesset, click here (from 38 seconds). For a CNN article on Russia, click here. For a list of fallacies, click here

1/30     For an illustration of Ad Baculumclick here and here. For a scene from the movie, The Shining, click here. For a press conference with the US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, click here. On the straw-man fallacy, click here. For an exercise on fallacies, click here. For the Ad Hominem fallacy, click here. On tautology, click here. On the Korean war, click here

2/4       For a video from the Israeli Knesset, click here. Video about logic and witches, click here. The video represented as a syllogism, click here (Is this a valid inference? Are these two examples of Ad Baculum? -- click here and here. For an examples of inconsistency, click here. Iraq War fallacy, click here. For controversies regarding the CIA, click here. For a letter to the Wildcatclick here. Name the fallacy that is referenced in this image, click here. For the article "The Unkindest Cut," click here. The Nancy Pelosi Fallacy, click here.  For a video on Julian Assange, click here. For a second list of fallacies, click here. For a letter on Professor Avital Ronnell, click here. For a projection on the two-wrongs-make-a-right fallacy from Israeli television, click here

2/6        For an article on the issue of substantive relevance, from Reason magazine, click here. For fallacy in the film Ladybird, click here. For Either-Or Fallacy, click here. Speech by JFK, click here. For a video on Donald Trump, click here. For Fallacy of Composition with regard to economics, click here. For an editorial from the Arab-Americanclick here. For a second exercise on fallacies, click here

2/11      For a video on identity politics, click here

2/18    For a video regarding the 2008 war in Georgia, click here. For a third list of fallacies, click here. For an article on Nikki Haley, click here. For a video presentation by Greta Thunberg, click here. A display of logic from The Donald, click here. For the Erica Jong article on the 2016 election, click here. For a newspaper article on Vladimir Putin, click here. For a video on suppression of evidence, click here; and here.

2/20     For another video by Jeffrey Sachs, click here. For the Overton Windon, click here. For another video on suppression of evidence, click here. For a projection on Occam's Razor and conspiracy theories, click here. For an third exercise on fallacies, click here. For an interview with Zbigniew Brzezinski on Afghanistan, click here. For an article on a bombing campaign in Spain, click here.For a projection on manipulative language and propaganda, click here.